Pledge Of Allegiance

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Buy American and Patriotic Items

Every Hard-Core American loves to show their patriotism by hanging a patriotic poster in their home, the garage, or work area. Patriotic posters make an especially nice gift for retired veterans.

Fly your flag proudly on Flag-Day, Veterans Day, Independance Day, and every other day. But if your flag is old and tattered, perhaps it's time to buy a new one. Get a nice clean flag to illustrate your patriotism.

Coins are fun to collect, and they increase in value over time. They make great long-term investments, and are perfect gifts for the hobbyist. They're also great ways to get kids involved in and interested in history.

American Girl Dolls have taken the country by storm. Aside from being made in America, they're sturdier and more beautiful and any other doll. The young girls of America have fallen in love with them, and it's just about the ONLY gift someone could give a ten-year-old and NEVER go wrong.